How to Make Indian Herbal Shampoo at Home and Use It for Hair?

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Creating your own Indian herbal shampoo at home can be a fulfilling and beneficial experience for your hair care routine. Not only does it allow you to tailor the ingredients to suit your specific hair needs, but it also helps you avoid the harsh chemicals found in many commercial shampoos. In this guide, you'll learn how to make Indian herbal shampoo at home and how to use it effectively for healthier and luscious hair.

Benefits of Using Indian Herbal Shampoo

Indian herbal shampoos are renowned for their natural and nourishing properties. They are enriched with traditional ingredients such as amla, shikakai, reetha, neem, and hibiscus, which are known for their hair-strengthening and conditioning benefits.

Making Indian Herbal Shampoo at Home
Gather the Ingredients

To make your own Indian herbal shampoo, you'll need the following ingredients:

Amla powder
Shikakai powder
Reetha (soap nuts)
Neem powder
Hibiscus powder
Essential oils (optional)
Preparation and Mixing
Start by soaking the reetha in water overnight.
Boil the soaked reetha until they turn soft and mushy, then strain the liquid and let it cool.
Mix equal parts of amla, shikakai, neem, and hibiscus powders in a bowl.
Add the strained reetha liquid to the powdered mixture and stir until you get a smooth, consistent paste.

Store the prepared herbal shampoo in a clean, airtight container. It's best to make small batches to ensure freshness and potency.

Using Indian Herbal Shampoo
Wet your hair thoroughly.
Take a small amount of the herbal shampoo paste and apply it to your scalp and hair.
Gently massage your scalp for a few minutes to allow the herbal shampoo to cleanse and nourish the hair follicles.
Rinse the shampoo out thoroughly with water.
Conditioning (Optional)

You can follow up with a natural hair conditioner like aloe vera gel or diluted apple cider vinegar rinse for added nourishment and shine.


By making and using Indian herbal shampoo at home, you can take control of your hair care routine and enjoy the benefits of natural ingredients without the harsh chemicals found in commercial shampoos. Embrace the tradition and wisdom of Indian herbal hair care to achieve healthy, vibrant hair. 

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